

面對富足的荷蘭,英國捉襟見肘(strapped for cash),仗怎麼打?


危機四伏 難以逆料

英國知道病灶(give up the ghost)所在,15年後光榮革命時,力邀強敵荷蘭執政奧蘭治親王入主王位。據哈佛大學佛格森教授分析,骨子裡英國是想取得荷蘭的金融知識。倫敦靠已經生根(take root)嫺熟的理財知識,調度資金,建立艦隊,果然在日後七年戰爭中擊敗世仇法國,取印度、略北美,一躍為日不落國。

英國視海外市場為國家命脈,英語在在表現海上經營、金融流通密切相關字彙:「環顧四方,被海水所困」(all at sea)指缺乏南針指引,前途茫然;「(擱淺)在岩石上」(on the rocks)指船已觸礁,人將破產;「努力將頭伸出水面上」(keep one's head above water)可以看出海難後,受困船員的窘態,意指「避免破產」。

兵者凶也,古有明訓,因為勝負難以逆料,而危機卻會隨時出現(a sword of Damocles hangs over somebody's head)。所以孫子說:「其用戰也,勝久則鈍兵挫銳,攻城則力屈,久暴師則國用不足。」因為打仗旨在求勝,不計成本,一擲千金而面不改色(spending like a drunken sailor),下場就可能民窮財盡。

反觀英國人願意向敵人取經(Just because you do not like him, do not discount what he has to say.),連王位都可以讓出,成為200年霸主,誰曰不宜?

例:"London's overseas businesses were booming - but they were strapped for cash to pay the bills of the fleet to protect them."「英國海外市場勢頭火紅,但卻沒有經費籌組艦隊前往護衛。」

取經敵國 終成霸主

"The British realized their financial system had given up the ghost, and they needed to do something before they engaged another war with the Dutch."「英國人的財政失靈,知道下次再與荷蘭人對壘之前,必須先搞好財政。」

"After William III of Orange reigned over England and Ireland, the British benefitted as the Dutch financial skills began to take root."「奧蘭治親王成為威廉三世,統治英倫之後,從荷蘭帶來的財政知識也順利於焉生根。」

"They were rather surprised to find that themselves seemed all at sea, and were ready to mend the situations."「察覺身處絕境,彼等大吃一驚,旋即採取行動,力圖挽回。」

"There are a dozen danger signs that their financial situations are on the rocks."「種種跡象顯示,他們的財政出了大紕漏。」

"The French had so little money that they could hardly keep their heads above water, not to mention to compete with the British in India."「法國人一窮二白,自顧不暇,遑論出兵印度,和英國一較長短。」

"One thing we think we know is that some generals have been spending like a drunken sailor when engaging a war."「不用說,許多將軍打起仗來,就像出手闊綽的大爺,不知收斂。」

"The French lived with this sword of Damocles hanging over their heads,knowing that they had no money to protect their interests in India."「法國人知道無力保護印度,知道事變會隨時爆發。」


全文網址: 讀孫子兵法學英文/捉襟見肘 | 商業企管 | 財經產業 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN11/6607320.shtml#ixzz1YjgSg0kO
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